We celebrated Leap Day by leaving Paris to spend a long weekend in Tuscany. We were staying in an apartment in Florence but took a day trip to visit Lucca, a small city to the northwest.
I first visited Lucca back in 2005 and thought J would really like it. There is a wall surrounding the older part of the city that dates back to the Renaissance. After seeing the exhibit of models of fortified cities in France last month, it was really interesting to see a life-sized version.
The wall has been well-maintained over the years and a walking and biking path runs around the top of it. At a few points there is enough room on top of the wall for a small park, picnic tables, and green spaces. We took a walk around the path after lunch (it is about 4 km or 2.5 mi around) and saw joggers, bicyclists, moms pushing babies in strollers, old men playing dominoes at a picnic table, and lots of high school aged kids hanging out.
We spent quite a bit of time wandering around the town, visiting a piazza that was built on top of an old Roman amphitheater, a lovely cathedral, and the Guinigi Tower.
I am usually too claustrophobic to take on the small, cramped, dark, and winding staircases that often are the only way to get to the top of old buildings and take in gorgeous scenic views. Poor J was stuck dealing with me during a near panic attack on the trip down from the top of the Giralda in Seville on our honeymoon. Luckily, the Guinigi Tower has a pleasantly spacious and open set of stairs, so I could make it to the tree-filled top panic-free!
It was cloudy as we explored Lucca in the morning, but after lunch the sun came out just in time for us to enjoy sitting at the top of the tower, quietly taking in the rolling hills of Tuscany in the distance.