While our usual fromagerie was closed in August I bought our cheese, milk, butter, and eggs from a stand in the covered market in our neighborhood. One of our favorite finds from the stand in the market was a raw goat’s milk cheese called Le Figou. It is shaped like a fig and has a fig preserves tucked into the center of the piece of cheese. The cheese has a fluffy, light texture and a faintly sweet flavor. It was amazing, especially with some of the Sancerre wine we bought on our trip to the Loire Valley.
After having fresh figs at a dinner party, I decided to go for a fig-themed wine and cheese dinner one night and paired the fig goat cheese with fresh figs. The figs were delicious with the goat cheese and it was fun to try out a fruit that neither of us has eaten much in the past.
After having fresh figs at a dinner party, I decided to go for a fig-themed wine and cheese dinner one night and paired the fig goat cheese with fresh figs. The figs were delicious with the goat cheese and it was fun to try out a fruit that neither of us has eaten much in the past.