Wednesday, February 27, 2013


We decided to take a trip down to the south of France for a little break from the gloomy Parisian winter.

Our first destination was Aix-en-Provence.  It seemed like there was a fountain tucked into every corner of the older part of the city and every restaurant had outdoor seating.  It was warm enough for us to have lunch outside one day, and sitting in the sun you could almost imagine what it would be like in the summer, people watching while sipping a chilled glass of rosé wine.

Being in the south of France in the winter meant that we missed out on the high season for tourists. When we were visiting sites like Cezanne’s last studio (preserved pretty much as it was found on the day he died) or the Cathédrale Saint Sauveur we had them almost completely to ourselves.  Our few days in Aix were relaxing and restorative and I look forward to going back someday.

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